You are meant to shine in the darkness (excerpt from Burnout's Kryptonite)
Are you defined by your story or do you define your story?
As I work with others, see them, listen to them, sit with the pain and celebrate in the triumphs, I hear stories. Not only stories, but I hear s-t-o-r-i-e-s.
Like, the stories we tell ourselves.
This morning, I had a candid conversation with a friend. She called me on a story I have been believing. Ooh. It ticked me off a little, too. Not at her - at the fact that I have, indeed, been believing it. Yuch.
It's never feels like the coolest thing in the world to get that epiphany AND it's very cool. It is a chance to learn, grow, and stand into the life you really want to be living.
Intentionally. Courageously. Lovingly.
You might also call them limiting beliefs, lies, negative beliefs, negative self-talk. No matter what you call them, they generally bring shadows, darkness or heaviness into our hearts.
People know this - the light penetrates the dark.
Dark can’t stand the light.
It’s time to reach up. It’s time to stand.
And if you’ve been fighting and in the battle and feel like you can’t – then it’s time to try again.
You are meant to shine.
Page 122:
“You are meant to shine light into the darkness.
I call you into your true self.
I call you into love, joy, peace, patience.
Powerful heart, I call you into that place which brings hope.”
Burnout’s Kryptonite, Ana-Christina Hicks
What does this do to build hope in you, even if hope has been hard to find lately?
What does this mean for you?
Where does this create a spark of life for you?
You are amazing. You are unique. You are meant.
Rich, life-giving blessings to you on your journey.
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