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Writer's pictureAna-Christina Hicks

Dust Off Your Dreams

Originally published August 2017

To my powerful, gorgeous, waiting-to-burst forth womenfolk who sometimes feel stuck. This is for you.

Do you ever wake up and think: “Is this all there is?”

Because – floating. Drifting. Just surviving isn’t the same as LIVING, is it? Really LIVING.

That’s what it’s all about. Really LIVING.

If you live in a place and space of regret, guilt, anger, sadness, FEAR – it is a low-grade life-sucker. Argh.

And the thing is – it tears you apart, doesn’t it? This slow death thing. Eats you alive from the inside out.

I know. I’ve been there. Those of you who know my story know that I was a super angry young woman, extremely guarded, pretty much a knucklehead there for a few years.

Before I became willing to forgive. And even then, those of you who know me know I made some spectacular mistakes even after that. …sheesh... Hindsight is 20/20, right?

And unfortunately, they didn’t just impact me. They impacted my children. It impacted my work. It impacted my health.

Personal and business decisions can impact your family heavily, can’t they? Even when you try to justify the long hours, the stress, and how you have to work or else you won’t be able to pay bills.

Here’s the deal: even after work, if your brain is still at work, your family still doesn’t get “YOU”, do they? You’re just a warm body with a pulse at that point. Not present. The stress wreaks havoc on your sleep and your ability to really be present at work or at home.

I wish it weren’t true, but the crap you hold onto is the crap that leaks out on those you say you value the most.


After the second divorce, I threw up my hands. Not in defeat. And even though it looked like disgust, what it really was, was DEFIANCE.

I decided: “NO MORE.”

I decided I would do whatever it took to change up the lies and crap and anger I’d been morbidly holding onto. …The crap you hold onto leaks out onto the ones you say you love the most…

I chose not to hide behind fear of judgement.

I chose to learn, to grow, to do whatever it took to heal. And I did.

It wasn’t easy. It was tough sometimes. And, looking back, the tools were simple. Small steps in the right direction create a space and place for healing, don’t they?

What will your life be like if you just keep floating? Just keep drifting? No plans in particular, no incremental goals, no things that you are really truly passionate and willing to go for? What opportunities will you miss out on?


What could your life look like when you decide “NO MORE”?

“I am willing to do whatever it takes to change things up.” I want more out of this amazing journey that is my life. I can do more. I will LIVE more.

I am ready to dust off my dreams and re-imagine my life. I am I am I am . YES YES YES.

What will you re-imagine? (Yeah, I get it. You’re older, you have responsibilities, you can’t do exactly what you used to do. Got it. BUT you CAN re-imagine and reignite the passion, can’t you? Even if it’s not exactly the same?)

What will you decide is no longer welcome?

What will you become willing to accept and receive in your life?


Because your life is meant to be LIVED, not sidelined. Not days piling up like empty husks.

If you are reading this, it means that you are loved and cherished and built with and for a purpose. Do you know what yours is?

Make it your life’s work to find what you are built for and THEN uncover what you are to do with it.

When you do, your life will come alive.

Straight up. I know, because I have done it. I went there. I gave up the float. I gave up the drift. I gave up living a dying life. People do it.

Situations and events still may happen and be crappy, but you will be fundamentally different:

At peace, content, vibrant, strong, comfortable in your own skin, standing strong on a stable foundation of confidence, faith, and trust. You will be much better able to make decisions and move forward.

It’s time to live, my friends. It’s time to lose the anger, fear, sadness, guilt, and regrets.


Take the step you’ve been meaning to take.

Make the decision you’ve been putting off.

Be willing to have that conversation that you know in your heart will move you.

It all starts with a choice.

“I’m sorry, please forgive me.”

“I’m willing to do this differently.”

“I am willing to seek help.”

“I am willing to accept the gift.”

“I am ready to get some more tools and resources.”

“I’m going to take a baby step toward my dreams.”

“I love you.”

Dust off your dreams. What’s your choice going to be today?

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